
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thanks for the Memories ...

What a great core group we had at Community Bible Study this year. Today was the last teaching session of the 30-week class. It was a joy to meet so many fine women desiring to grow in God and explore the Word together. We learned much in 1 & 2 Peter, Daniel and finally Colossians. And DJ's lessons brought all the pieces together right where we live.

I promise not to forget ...
~ Do you trust me?
~ Will you choose to obey?
~ And ... there is power in obedience!

A big THANK YOU to all the "servants team!"
We finished our study of Gates & Fences in the FACT College & Career class this past Sunday morning. I appreciate the opportunity to speak into the lives of the students, and I pray that above anything else we discussed, we will all remember that biblical boundaries were established by a loving Father for the blessing and protection of His children. That's us! We are the apple of His eye!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

God Bless the USA!


After attending the Troy National Day of Prayer event and coordinating several of them over the past 13 years, I was privileged to share NDP 2007 at the State Capitol in Lansing with State NDP Coordinator Sylvia Tubergen.

It was a wonderful day. The weather cooperated completely. The Prayer Voice of Michigan team that coordinated the event did a great job bringing people together from across the state to pray. I heard 500 young people toured the capitol and participated in the event. I'm not sure how many adults were there, but Abraham Lincoln came by. Honest, Abe!

New Revelation (from my home church) shared two songs prior to the event and one during the program. I appreciate their willingness to minister in unique settings and the leadership that makes it all possible. Go, Noelley!

We began the program with the trumpets and a call to prayer blown on dual shofars. Kneeling on the lawn of the capitol building, we united in repentance for our nation and ourselves. Prayers were offered by many, a delightful elementary children's choir sang, and most of all, the Lord was there.

The Scriptural theme for this year's prayer was II Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The Lord's been talking to me about that Scripture. Maybe I'll write more on that later.