The girls were fabulous. It was a bit younger group than I usually address on the subject, but they were very attentive, and it was a joy to be with them. And why not address issues early...possibly helping some to avoid tripping in some bumps and holes in puberty's road to adulthood? When we walk with God we don't have to fall into dark pits that might otherwise catch us unaware.
Here's my fav verses on that:
But the path of the just is like the shining sun,
That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.19 The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what makes them stumble.
Proverbs 4:18-19, NKJV
Walking with the Lord is like walking into the sunrise...the path gets brighter every day...and light reveals the obstacles in the path before perhaps we can miss a good many of them! Life has its challenges, for sure and for certain, but God is always with us. He lights our way and shows us the best way to live. There will always be potholes and pebbles, and we might not miss them all, but even when we "stub our toes" or "twist our ankles," we have a God who walks beside us...He comforts us...He cares for us. He is good!
I also enjoyed speaking at the CIA on March 20. Yep, I said CIA...that's the Christians in Action club at Van Hoosen Middle School. It was my third time with them over the last few years, and I always love the chance to speak to young people right in my own neighborhood.
The picture might make you wonder the serious nature of our discussion. Remember, we can have serious walks with God and also have some serious fun. I taught with a humorous skit--at least I thought it was funny. The subject was knowing and walking with God.
What else? Well, I've been thoroughly engrossed with the National Day of Prayer. Visit my website for more info at It's going to be a great day! Hope you can make an event somewhere. Blessings!