
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Christian 101" is in the printworks

I'm so excited! It seems I say that a lot here, but hey, this is where I share the exciting stuff, right? So...I'm so excited! No official date for release yet for this project that has been burning in my heart for some time now, but within the next month or so. Christian 101 is a 10-week daily devotional/ instructional book for new believers and youth that provides solid answers and a strong foundation for the Christian faith.

Here's the Table of Contents:
Week 1: How Do We Know the Bible is True?
Week 2: What Makes Up a Person?
Week 3: Who is God?
Week 4: God's Character Revealed in Old Testament Names
Week 5: The Name of God Revealed in the New Testament
Week 6: Repentance, Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost
Week 7: Understanding the Role of the Church
Week 8: Growing in God
Week 9: Lighting Your World
Week 10: Where God Stands on Social Issues

Every week has a memory verse to learn. Each day begins by reviewing the memory verse, a short Scripture reading to look up in your own Bible, a brief informational piece and a prayer.

For example, the memory verse for the first week is
All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16

And the subjects covered are:
Day 1: What Makes Up a Bible?
Day 2: The Bible Proves Itself
Day 3: The Bible Has One Unified Theme
Day 4: Archaeology Confirms the Bible
Day 5: Ancient Written Confirmations
Day 6: Science Confirms the Bible
Day 7: Life Application Proves the Bible

It's a spiral-bound workbook that includes space for journaling and prayers. We need to know what we believe and why we believe it.