
Monday, September 17, 2012

Hmmm . . . How can I quickly catch you up on the last few months?

They've certainly been busy, but here are the highlights:

One of the reasons I've been quiet on here is because I picked up an internship at the Oakland County Republican Party. I was praying about how to be involved in the important elections this year and felt directed to work for the entire party instead of on one particular campaign. It's been a great experience so far. Please do register to vote . . . and vote your Christian values!

In July, I spoke at the Colorado District Ladies Retreat. It was an incredible time with many wonderful people, including the one and only Vesta Mangun! I love Colorado!

Also in July, Jr. High Camp and Sr. High Camp in Marshall, Michigan. Fun time . . . did everything from helping with registration, speaking to girls and making smoothies for after-service concessions.

In August, I was re-elected to a fourth term as a Republican Precinct Delegate in my community and participated in our County Convention. I was honored to lead the invocation at the event where I was also elected to serve as a delegate to the State Convention that took place in Grand Rapids this month. It is an honor to participate in our government, even at the lowest grass roots level. For more info on political stuff, feel free to visit my blog at:

What a blessing to attend the Birth Choice Benefit and meet Rick Santorum. Followed by helping with two Woodward Dream Cruise events. Lots of fun, but lots of work!

This past weekend I was privileged to speak at my first Esther Conference in lovely Charleston, West Virginia. Had a great time with the girls, their leaders and moms. I love what I do! God is good to me!

Heading to my home-sweet-home this weekend to minister in Paducah, Kentucky. I can't wait! It's going to be a great time in service, and I get to see my momma and sisters, too!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hello, my friends! 

It seems like long ago, but less than two months have passed since the National Day of Prayer. It certainly was a HUMONGOUS-GIANTIFICAL day in Michigan and across our great nation. If you'd like to see a short clip of the event, click on the picture. 

If you're on Facebook, [CLICK HERE] for a great slideshow of the event.

After a deep breath and some of the NDP fog cleared from my brain and calendar, I began thinking and praying about where to invest my time most effectively in the upcoming elections. Of course, I'll be participating in prayer and special prayer events (including a trip to Washington, DC, this fall); but I felt I needed to do more. That's why I decided to accept a part-time internship with the Oakland County Republican Party ( 

I believe Christians need to be engaged and make our voices heard while we still have the right to speak, worship and freely assemble. With that in mind, I also began a new blog (, because there is a need at times to delineate between spiritual and political activities . . . although I will say that my deep spiritual convictions are what compel me to be involved politically. I am also running for a fourth term as a Republican Precinct Delegate. 

My first trip to Montana was wonderful. It was such a blessing to be with the ladies of the Rocky Mountain District and speak at their annual ladies conference . . . and it was doubly nice to be with Sis. Gwyn Oakes, our Ladies Ministries President. It's a peaceful place beneath her leadership.

I'm excited about some newly scheduled upcoming events: 
7/18  - Marshall, Michigan - Senior High Camp Session
11/30-12/2 - Bethel, Alaska - Ladies Conference

For a list of all upcoming events, look in the right-hand column of this page.

Also new since my last post:

  • I received my ministerial credentials! 
  • New Beginnings asked me to be an Ambassador for their ministry, and I accepted!
  • The completed manuscript of Unmasked, the third book in the Pure Path series was turned in one day before deadline!
I am working now on the much requested sequel to The Rose of Sharon. The title is Buttercup, and I hope to have it out by General Conference.

If you're not on the newsletter mailing, send me your email address to, and I'll add you to the mailing list for this FREE resource. There's going to be a contest and special promotion coming up soon you may be interested in.

Well, that's enough for now! I appreciate your time and friendship more than you know! Many blessings.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Michigan Legislative Prayer Caucus

I'm so excited for all God is doing in Michigan. It was an honor to be acknowledged by Representative Ken Kurtz at the ceremony and signing of the Michigan Legislative Prayer Caucus. The ceremony took place in the rotunda of the Capitol building in Lansing just 24 hours before we began our National Day of Prayer event on the steps outside.

If you'd like more info: here's a link. I was quoted in this article: [Click Here]

Monday, March 26, 2012


Had a great time with the girls in the Clinton/Monroe area this past Saturday. We enjoyed two sessions of The Girl in the Dress with a gorgeous tea in between. I chose the word gorgeous for two reasons. One: it was lovely...and two the meal did "gorge us!" Or should I say we gorged ourselves. As I like to say, the Bible says there are days of feasting and fasting...and I just LOVE those feasting ones.

The girls were fabulous. It was a bit younger group than I usually address on the subject, but they were very attentive, and it was a joy to be with them. And why not address issues early...possibly helping some to avoid tripping in some bumps and holes in puberty's road to adulthood? When we walk with God we don't have to fall into dark pits that might otherwise catch us unaware.

Here's my fav verses on that:
But the path of the just is like the shining sun,
That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.19 The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what makes them stumble. 

Proverbs 4:18-19, NKJV

Walking with the Lord is like walking into the sunrise...the path gets brighter every day...and light reveals the obstacles in the path before perhaps we can miss a good many of them! Life has its challenges, for sure and for certain, but God is always with us. He lights our way and shows us the best way to live. There will always be potholes and pebbles, and we might not miss them all, but even when we "stub our toes" or "twist our ankles," we have a God who walks beside us...He comforts us...He cares for us. He is good!

I also enjoyed speaking at the CIA on March 20. Yep, I said CIA...that's the Christians in Action club at Van Hoosen Middle School. It was my third time with them over the last few years, and I always love the chance to speak to young people right in my own neighborhood.

The picture might make you wonder the serious nature of our discussion. Remember, we can have serious walks with God and also have some serious fun. I taught with a humorous skit--at least I thought it was funny. The subject was knowing and walking with God. 

What else? Well, I've been thoroughly engrossed with the National Day of Prayer. Visit my website for more info at It's going to be a great day! Hope you can make an event somewhere. Blessings!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh my, Oh my!

Well, my can probably ascertain from the lack of posts that I've been busy, busy, busy!

In January I was blessed to attend the Because of the Times conference in Louisiana. It's always an incredible gathering of people in ministry...a time of instruction, refreshing and fellowship. I compare it to the huddle before the's a great spiritual kick off for the year. Hut! Hut! Hut!

I've been very busy in my new position as the State Coordinator for the National Day of Prayer. Much planning to do, promotions, fundraising, etc.  I'm so thankful for a great team to work with, and I'm looking forward to a capital Capitol event! For more info: [click here]. I also oversee all the coordinators in the state and assist them with any needs they have. It's a lot to keep up with, but it's an honor to work with wonderful people who have a passion to pray for our nation. We can't give up! Keep praying! Keep asking the Lord to extend healing and mercy and forgiveness!

In February I spoke in New Castle, Indiana, at Ladies Power Day. We had a wonderful service, and then, my, oh, my...such lavish, decadent spoilings! Of course there was good food. Ladies attend to such things. But then...mmm...wish I was there right now...back, shoulder and neck massage; scalp massage; foot and hand massage; manicure; facials and masks, pedicure; was just fun, fun, fun. Thank you, Traci Jaco and team for all your hard work. Such a nice thing to do for your ladies. And on Sunday it was a special treat to worship with my new friends at the Sanctuary of New Castle.

Coming up I'm headed to Clinton/Monroe, Michigan, on 3/24, for a special event for their young ladies. It's a two-session presentation of The Girl in the Dress, and I'm looking forward to being with them. We always have a good time, and I know there's going to be a lovely tea in between the sessions. Like I said...girls know how to do this food stuff!

After's off to Utah for a Ladies Conference. This will be my first time in the state. Excited to be with the ladies in this district!

Well, I have to go now. Back to writing...working on the third book in the Pure Path Series for UPCI Ladies Ministires...and planning that NDP event...oh, and I have to make dinner, know...and laundry, and all that everyday stuff of life. It's a good life. Enjoy yours today! Blessings...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why have I been so quiet?

Because I've been so busy!

As the recently appointed Michigan State Director for the National Day of Prayer Task Force, I've been working with a great team to organize a wonderful Capitol Observance for the 61st annual N.D.P.

I hope you'll take a moment to visit the website:

And if at all possible, please join us Lansing.