
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Woodside Ladies Bible Study

Snow thinned the usual crowd at the Woodside Ladies Bible Study today, but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I shared with the women who braved the elements to be there.

Thank you all for making me feel welcome, especially Peggy, Carlene, Dorene and Amy.

I sang one of my favorite songs, "He's Been Faithful," and spoke from Quilting Patches of Life.

Remember, ladies, that even when we don't get what we hoped for out of life...or definitely what we thought we were signing up can still be good, because God is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for the warm and loving talk to our ladies. They love to be encouraged and you highlighted the need for grandmas to leave a legacy for their grandkids. Thanks for hanging out for prayer after.
